HTML input Tag minlength Attribute Tutorial

In this section, we will learn what the minlength attribute is and how to use it.

What is minlength Attribute in HTML <input> Tag?

For those types of <input> elements that take text content as their value, the minlength attribute is used to set the minimum number of characters we can put in the target <input> element.

This means if, for example, a textbox had this attribute with the value 6, then at least the text content we set for this field should have 6 or more characters in it.

The value we set for this attribute is a number that specifies the minimum allowed number of characters.

HTML minlength Attribute in <input> Tag Syntax:

<input type = “type” minlength = “number”>

<input> Tag minlength Attribute Values

The value we set for this attribute is a number that declares the minimum allowed number for the target field.

Example: using minlength attribute in HTML <input> tag

See the Pen using minlength attribute in HTML <input> tag by Omid Dehghan (@odehghan) on CodePen.

In this example, the Password field has the minlength attribute set to 8. This means the value we set for this field should at least contains 8 or more characters.


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